Our Projects

With your help, we can drive change for the better.

Back to School Initiative

The “back-to-school” programme is aimed at assisting children of less privilege in the society to go to school by providing assistance in form of grants, bursary, scholarships, books, materials, etc. Under this programme, we have students that we regularly support in schools.

This year we want to get 50 students back to school and provide all the resources necessary to make this comfortable for them. You can be part of this initiative too

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Church Building Programme

The “church building” programme is aimed at providing worshipping centres to communities where people could gather and fellowship. At Amazing grace, we either provide this service wholly to the community or combined with other organisations of like-mind to provide the facility when huge costs are involved.

One of such programme was the provision of a worshipping centre at Oima in Uganda (Passover Church). Check the GALLERY HERE

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Sundry Assistance Programme

The “sundry assistance” programme involves all miscellaneous assistance rendered by Amazing Grace to the community. This is diverse is nature and not limited to a particular activity. It is an on-going programme meaning that people and community will continue to benefit from the programme whenever we are called upon.

A clear sample of our involvement was when we assisted a group of new converts to gain entrance to the venue where they were to have water baptism as a young convert. Check the GALLERY HERE

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